Simply Fido is one of my absolute favorite pet vendors! Not only are their products adorable, but they are environmentally conscious in the production process too. Our pups, Maddie & Zoe, just go crazy for these toys! Simply Fido's products are very durable and can withstand a lot of playtime and wear-and-tear.
Simply read their mission statement, it says it all!
Mission Statement: Our goal at SimplyFido® is to provide a healthier alternative to the everyday products that surround our furry best friends. Just like you, we understand that you are concerned with the well-being, nurturing and safety of pets. Therefore, we seek to provide an improved environment for pets by offering a better playing experience, meanwhile contributing to the preservation of the Earth in which they play.
Here's a sneak peek of the Simply Fido product line:
Sweet Pea Organic Dog Tee |
Maggie Caterpillar Toy |
Hemp Toys |
Organic Dog Tanks |
Owl Flat Tug Toy |
Organic Stuffless Toys
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